Usually, when you write a formula, you refer to a range of cells, e.g. =SUM(A1:A5). However, if you are continually adding new rows to the data, you don’t want to be constantly updating the formula.
Well, why not make the formula refer to the column, rather than a range – then it’ll include anything in the column. Example: =SUM(A:A) will add up everything in column A. It works for rows, too, e.g. =SUM(1:1). Note that, when defining a column or row in Excel, you need to define the start and finish column/row, separated by commas – even if they are the same.
As always, don’t type in your references – select them, and let Excel type them in for you. (See here for details).
Occasionally, even using rows isn’t enough, and you need to use tables or even define a self-expanding range.