Excel – General Usage

Writing formulae between books – the easy way


Trying to type out a formula that relates to a different book can be a nightmare - how do you get the file name, the exclamation mark, the apostrophes, etc, all in the right place? Well, why not let Excel do the hard work for you? [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnzIGRAIpK8&hl=en&fs=1]

Writing formulae between books – the easy way2010-11-03T17:27:49+00:00

Writing formulae between sheets – the easy way


Trying to type out a formula that relates to a different sheet can be a nightmare - how do you get the exclamation mark, the apostrophes, etc, all in the right place? Well, why not let Excel do the hard work for you? [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xrY0cq_SD0&hl=en&fs=1]

Writing formulae between sheets – the easy way2010-11-03T10:15:55+00:00

Data Validation Lists on a separate sheet


This tutorial shows you how to apply data validation using a list on a different sheet. It assumes you already know how to use data validation. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPaDFbWYEWY&hl=en&fs=1]

Data Validation Lists on a separate sheet2010-10-15T13:40:28+01:00

Categorising data with VLOOKUP


This video tutorial shows you how to categorise a list of data into groups defined by a value of ranges. The example categorises people into age bands such as 17-34,35-44, 45-50, etc. http://www.youtube.com/v/XgjIrWgkrgE?hl=en&fs=1

Categorising data with VLOOKUP2010-10-14T14:20:04+01:00

Structuring your spreadsheets


When you first start using Excel, it seems like a good idea to break your data up as much as possible so that it's easy to find/read. It's not uncommon to have lots of sheets containing similar data for different departments / people / products / stores / months etc. However, as you start to learn the power of Excel, using functions such as pivot tables and filters, you'll find that it begins to make sense to keep source data in one big table that's easy to analyse - it's much easier to summarise a big block of data than it [...]

Structuring your spreadsheets2010-09-28T18:43:34+01:00

Selecting large ranges – use the keyboard!


There are a few things that many people struggle with. One of them is using the mouse to select a large range of data that goes off the visible screen. By combining two simple keyboard shortcuts, you can select a large range of data with two keypresses.

Selecting large ranges – use the keyboard!2010-09-18T06:22:27+01:00


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