The Scratch fundamentals course focuses on one of the best free computing resources available, the Scratch programming tool created by MIT (the Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
Who should attend?
Teachers from KS1 to KS3 who are unfamiliar with Scratch.
Because of the nature of Scratch, it may be more of interest to teachers in KS2 and 3.
1 day
Price: £100+VAT
Host schools: up to 3 free places, provided there are a minimum of 3 paying delegates on the course
Delivered by
Neil Rabbitts, IT professional of 25 years, volunteer for ICT lessons with year 6 for 10 years, governor at Willow Brook Primary School for 10 years
I have volunteered for many years at primary school, teaching ICT to Year 6. With the new curriculum, it has become clear to me that many teachers would benefit from guidance on some of the tools that are available, and how Computer Science can be embedded in the curriculum. I created this course to meet that need.