Information for Teams Course Delegates

Our Teams training courses take place within Microsoft Teams, so you should log in to the Teams app using the email address which has been invited to the course, and switch Orgs to ‘Out of the Hat Ltd’.  Detailed instructions are given below.

When you are invited to a course hosted by Out of the Hat Ltd

Your Invitation

When we add you to the Training Team for the course, you will receive an email invitation looking something like this:

Starting Teams

We recommend you start teams well before the beginning of the course, to make sure everything’s installed and ready before we begin.

In your email invitation, click the blue button to ‘Open Microsoft Teams’.  You will be taken to a page on the Microsoft website, as shown below.  If you do not already have the Teams app installed, install it.  If you do, then ‘Launch it now’.

Switching Orgs to Out of the Hat Ltd

When you open Teams from the invitation as detailed above, you are given the opportunity to switch organisations.

This is because the training team is hosted by Out of the Hat Ltd, and you need to use the identity created for you in our installation.

If you are starting Teams for the first time, you will see Out of the Hat Ltd in the dropdown presented to you. Continue with this option.

The first time you Switch Orgs to Out of the Hat Ltd, you will be asked for permission to use your email address and other information – this is a normal part of the Guest process in Microsoft 365. The message contains a link to our Privacy Statement, should you wish to read it at this point. Please give permission, or you will not be able to access the Training Team.

Once you have given permission and joined the Team, you can switch to Out of the Hat Ltd at any time, using the drop-down which appears on your organisation name, in the top-right of the Teams app, as shown.

You are now ready to start working in the Training Team.

You can switch back to your org at any time, using the same dropdown.

The Training Team – Overview

Once you have opened the Teams App and switched orgs to Out of the Hat Ltd (see above for details), click on the ‘Teams’ icon in the left-hand vertical bar, and you should see the Training Team. If you can only see the Team name, click on the triangle next to the icon to expand the list of ‘Channels’ (work areas).

Joining the Training Meeting

If you’re already familiar with Teams meetings, you’ll notice that, as a Guest, you don’t have access to a Calendar in Teams.

To join the Training Meeting, click on the ‘Meetings’ channel, and you’ll see an entry for the training meeting. Once the Trainer has started the meeting (a few minutes before the scheduled start time), you’ll see a ‘Join’ link. Welcome to the meeting!

As part of the training session, you will have hands-on experience of working in Teams. We will do most of this work in the ‘Practice’ channel. Your trainer will guide you in navigating around Teams during the course.